yoga exercises

yoga exercises
5 magical yoga exercises to improve brain function, mood and strengthen the respiratory system

A report published on the Times News Now website stated that the “brain” is a magical device that allows a person to perform amazing, wonderful and unusual actions, so that a large number of experts attach paramount importance to it. maintaining his safety and well-being .
You can also improve the capabilities of the brain and protect it from any mental disorders with the help of the practice of ” yoga “.
Regarding how yoga improves brain function, the report notes that “the brain is a muscle, like the rest of the body, that needs exercise to function better.”
He continued, “Yoga is the best form of exercise to improve brain function, especially since stress and anxiety can cause imbalances in your brain, and yoga can help prevent that.”
Yoga regulates the vagus nerve, which controls mood and stress levels in your body .
Yoga can also promote proper breathing, which is very helpful in relaxing the body and improving the mind.
The report tracked 5 essential yoga exercises that can strengthen the brain, namely:
1- Lotus pose
The lotus pose is one of the poses inspired by the historical lotus flower, a symbol of purity and separation.
This is a meditative pose that works best, especially when done in the morning on an empty stomach.
Hold this yoga pose for at least 1-5 minutes in this intermediate phase.
This pose will help strengthen your mind and calm your brain , it will also stretch your ankles and knees, make your hips more flexible, help your body position itself better, and increase your awareness.
2- Diamond condition

Diamond Pose, a kneeling exercise followed by breathing exercises, allows the body to become as strong as a diamond.
This yoga exercise can be done after meals, unlike other exercises, and the duration of the exercise is at least 5 or 10 minutes for beginners.
This yoga exercise promotes good digestion and relieves any constipation, acidity and stomach ailments.
Diamond Pose helps to relax the body, increase blood circulation, strengthen muscles and eliminate spasms.
3- Forward sitting position
This is a classic and simple “sitting forward” position based on a slight stretch of the body and back.
This workout must be done in the morning on an empty stomach and with a clean intestine, i.e. 4 or 6 hours after the last meal.
This exercise can be performed for 30-60 seconds.
This yoga practice helps reduce depression and mild tension, provides a good stretch for the shoulders, stimulates the kidneys and strengthens the spine.
Yoga classes help to calm the mind and reduce tiredness and fatigue.
Exercise also helps treat anxiety, high blood pressure, control appetite, and reduce obesity .
4- Plow position

The plow position is similar to the agricultural implement used in many parts of the world, this position can be
practiced on an empty stomach in the morning or evening, 4 or 6 hours after the last meal.
The duration of this posture and exercise is from 30 to 60 seconds and promotes metabolic processes and
normalization of blood sugar levels.
Yoga relieves back stress, reduces depression, calms the brain, stretches the shoulders, and stimulates the thyroid gland.
5- Platform position
The platform pose is called the queen of all yoga poses, in which the whole body is turned over into a pose with a raised upper body.
This exercise is a series of preparatory exercises to be performed on an empty stomach.
This exercise can be done for at least 1-5 minutes for beginners.
Yoga classes help to instantly calm the body, as it stimulates the activity of the glands that strengthen the lungs.
And exercise promotes digestion, treats asthma, strengthens the arms and legs, and activates the abdominal organs.
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